sitemap_generator using lastmod date from git repo

28 June 2018 • Tags: rails — sitemap — git

For my new project Budgetfuchs I added sitemap_generator even though it’s just a few pages that I want indexed for now. But my application is multi-lingual and letting the search engines know about that comes handy.

One thing I noticed when looking at the output was the lastmod date being the same for all entries. Can’t be hard to fix that by pulling the date from the git repo I though. Here’s the code for this and as you can see, I did monkey-patch SitemapGenerator::Interpreter.

class SitemapGenerator::Interpreter
  def lastmod(view)
    date = `git log --date iso  -n 1 --format="%ad" app/views/#{view}*`
    if date.blank?
      raise "Missing file #{view}"
    return date

SitemapGenerator::Sitemap.create(default_host: '', compress: false, include_root: false) do
  add root_path, changefreq: 'weekly', lastmod: lastmod('welcome/index')
  add team_path, priority: 0.5, lastmod: lastmod('welcome/team')
  add features_de_path, lastmod: lastmod('welcome/')
  add features_en_path, lastmod: lastmod('welcome/features.html')
  add pricing_de_path, lastmod: lastmod('purchase/')
  add pricing_en_path, lastmod: lastmod('purchase/new.html')