mongoid_taggable with aggregation for Mongoid 5
Turned out that my migration earlier this week ran into a few bumps with mongoid_taggable
The big thing the previous used version from colibri-software used was the aggregation framework which in the case of generating the
tags index is far superior to the map_reduce
of the older versions. The mongoid 5 compatible version I picked as a replacement didn’t
use the aggregation framework, caused me headache and I decided to
upgrade colibri’s version. Nothing
special there, just remember that you need to append a .to_a
if you pass a $out
stage to aggregate()
{"$unwind" => "$tags_array"},
{"$group" => {"_id" => "$tags_array}},
{"$project" => {"tags_array: 1}},
{"$out" => "things_tags"}
]).to_a # don't rmeove the to_a or the things_tags collection will be empty